Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Count One For Team Oscar

I have won my first victory against Team Parents.

They have been dead set on making me sleep in my crate at night. But I protested. Loudly. Every night. For many nights. On end. Without stopping. And I finally broke Mom and Dad! I drove 'em plain old nuts. Go me!

Now they let me have the lay the land -- that's basically the first floor minus the guest bedroom, which I'm never allowed in anyway.

I love it! It's so nice to stretch out on the floor and sleep. Or sometimes when I'm feeling rowdy, I jump up on the couch and howl at other dogs or sirens or whatev. It's tons of fun! I highly recommend it. Hehehe.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Working It

Mom and I went for a super long walk this morning, up to the middle school and back. The weather was beautiful today, and a relief after a really cold week. I was so glad to be outside, getting some fresh air and exercise. I was starting to go seriously stir crazy.

On the way home, I was ogled by a Prius full of ladies. They drove by kind of fast, but I spotted a mom-type, a grandma-type and some hot young chicks in the backseat. They were all checking out my sleek coat, my sexy gait. What can I say, I'm a babe magnet!

The walk was an hour long, and I am totally tuckered. I am going to sleep like a baby tonight. Yes, like the baby Oscar that I am...